
What is vdes-template?

vdes-template is a javascript template engine, It rewrite in typescript based on the art-template.

It uses a tempalte and a input object to genearte any you want code!

If you want use vdes-template in the node enviroment.

// ./aaa.vdest

hello! I am {{name}}
// use before make sure run commond: yarn add vdes-template
const vdesTemplate = require('vdes-template') // or import {template} from 'vdes-template'
const genCode = vdesTemplate.template('./aaa.vdest', {
     name: 'vdes-template'
console.lgo(genCode) // hello! I am vdes-template

If you want use vdes-template in the browser enviroment

<script src=''> </script>

<script id='aaa.vdest'>
    hello! I am {{name}}

const genCode = vdesTemplate.template('./aaa.vdest', {
     name: 'vdes-template'

The above code just is an example to help you understand, It is not recommended to play.

How to implement?

If the template code is this:

I am {{name}}

First, The code should be converted to an array of text and expression combinnations using a regular expression, like this:

['I am ', '{{name}}']

Then, The expression will be parsed and to genarte render function like this:

var render = function ($data) {
     $data = $data || {}
     var $$out = '', name = $
     $$out += "I am "
     $$out += name
     return $$out

     name: 'vdes-template'
}) // I am vdes-template

Read the render function carefully, I think you should read about how it works. But this is simple example. You want a more detailled understanding of how it works. Please try click the top of menu itme Playground to online running!



npm install vdes-template

// or
yarn add vdes-template


<script src=''> </script>



// inputData: {value}
// inputData: {data: {key}}
{{data.key}} or {{data['key']}}
// inputData: {arr: ['eeee']}

{{a ? b : c}}
{{a || b}}
{{a && b}}
{{a + b}}
{{a - b}}

Raw output

{{@ value}}


{{if v1}} .... {{/if}}

{{if v1}} ... {{else if v2}}... {{else}}...  {{/if}}


{{each target}}
     {{$index}} : {{$value}}
  1. target supports iteration of array and object.
  2. $value and $index can be customized:
    {{each target val index}}


{{set temp = val}}

Template inheritance

{{extend './layout.vdest'}}
{{block}} ... {{/block}}

Template inheritance allows you to build a basic templating "skeleton" that conaints common parts of your site. Example:

<!-- layout.vdest -->
     <meat charset="utf-8">
     <title> {{block 'title'}} My site title {{/block}} </title>
<!-- index.vdest -->
{{extend './layout.vdest'}}
{{block 'title'}}vdes-template{{/block}}

If render index.vdest. That will output this:

     <meat charset="utf-8">

Sub template

{{include './header.vdest'}}


Support line comments and block comments

// ...



extend runtime

We can extend or modify the runtime to achieve what we want:

import {compile, runtime} from "vdes-template"
const myRuntime = runtime
myRuntime.$hello = () => {
     return "hello world"
const text = compile({
     source: '{{$imports.$hello()}}',
     imports: myRuntime 
console.log(text) // hello world

Parsing rules

You can customize template parsing rules in vdes-template. The default sysntx:

defaultSetting.rules[0].test = /{{([@#]?)[ \t]*(\/?)([\w\W]*?)[ \t]*}}/



export interface CompilerOption {
   // Template content. If haven't the field, the content is loaded according to the filename
   source?: string,
   // Template filename
   filename?: string,
   // An array of rules of template syntax
   rules?: TplTokenRule[],
   // Whether to enable automatic encoding of template output statements
   escape?: boolean,
   // Whether to enable to debug mode
   debug?: boolean,
   // If ture, both the compile and runtime errors throw exceptions
   bail?: boolean,
   cache?: boolean,
   // Whether to enable minization, It will execute htmlMinifier and minimize HTML, CSS, JS. Only take effect with node enviroment
   minisize?: boolean,
   // Whether to compile in debug mode
   compileDebug?: boolean,
   // Transition template path
   resolveFilename?: (filename: string, options: CompilerOption) => string,
   // Include sub template
   include?: (filename: string, data: object, blocks: object, options: CompilerOption) => string,
   // Html compression, effect only nodejs
   htmlMinifier?: (source: string, options: CompilerOption) => string,
   htmlMinifierOptions?: {
       collapseWhitespace?: boolean,
       minifyCSS?: boolean,
       minifyJS?: boolean,
       ignoreCustomFragments?: any[]
   // Effect only bail=false
   onerror?: (error: any, options?: CompilerOption) => void,
   // Template file loader
   loader?: (filename: string, options?: CompilerOption) => string,
   // Cache adapter
   caches?: Caches,
   // Root directory of template. If filename field is not a local path, template will be found in root directory
   root?: string,
   // Default extension. If no extensions, Extname will be automatically added
   extname?: string,
   // An array of template variables ignored by template compiler
   ignore?: string[],
   // runtime
   imports?: Object



export type PreCompileOption = CompilerOption & {
    sourceMap?: boolean,
    sourceRoot?: string


export const defaultSetting: CompilerOption = {
    source: null,
    filename: null,

    rules: [new VdesTRule()],
    escape: true,
    debug: detectNode ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' : false,
    bail: true,
    cache: true,
    minisize: false,
    compileDebug: false,
    resolveFilename: resolveFilename,
    include: include,
    htmlMinifier: htmlMinifier,
    htmlMinifierOptions: {
        collapseWhitespace: true,
        minifyCSS: true,
        minifyJS: true,
        ignoreCustomFragments: []
    onerror: onerror,
    loader: loader,
    caches: new Caches(),
    root: '/',
    extname: '.vdest',
    ignore: [],
    imports: runtime





  • Render templates according to template name
  • Content is object,render template and renturn strinng. Content is string, compile template and return function.
export function template(filename: string, content: string | object): string | Function


import {template} from 'vdes-template'

// From local to load template
const text = template('./hello.vdest', {
     val: 'aaaaa'

// Compile template and cache it
template('./hello.vdest', 'I am {{val}}')
const text = template('./hello.vdest', {
     val: 'aaaaaa'



Compile template and renturn a rendering function

function compile(source: string | CompilerOption, options: CompilerOption = {}): CompilerRenderFunc


import {compile} from "vdes-template"
     filename: './hello.vdest'
     val: 'aaaa'



Compile and return rendering results

export function render(source: string | CompilerOption, data: object, options?: CompilerOption)


import {render} from "vdes-template"
render('I am {{val}}', {val: 'aaaa'})